Ninesquared 4 the world
The green | Equal attitude
Customizable Italian tailor-made products, 100% customizable in all aspects, including fabrics and fit, to meet your needs.
Ninesquared focuses on promoting and further developing forms of volleyball that are compatible with nature and the environment. This 'green' approach starts with the production of our products and extends all the way to your home.
At Ninesquared we make conscious choices, which start from the creation of high quality sustainable garments, designed to last a long time while maintaining their technical characteristics unaltered. We produce in a way that minimizes our impact on the environment.
Ninesquared believes in building a world where everyone, in every country, has an equal opportunity to play volleyball. That's why we support this project!

Our goal is zero waste, zero polluting materials, and zero CO2 emissions to protect the future of volleyball. Towards change, together as a team!
Recycled polyester: Turning plastic into clothing
The plastic problem is one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time. At ninesquared, we use recycled polyester to produce our windstopper and as a complement to organic cotton in our hoodies. One jacket allows you to recycle 7-8 PET plastic bottles. And to ensure that our sweatshirts are comfortable and soft on the skin, the polyester is not in direct contact with the skin but is placed between two layers of cotton

0% waste packaging – 100% recyclable
The actual product is only a part of the environmental footprint left by a company like Ninesquared We’re not satisfied with just looking at how our products are made. We are constantly looking for new ways to have a positive impact on the environment This includes our packaging, which is recycled or recyclable. If you have already placed an order, you already know this. We use paper tape to seal our cartons and recycled plastic where possible to create the packaging of kneepads etc.

Organic cotton …is better for the planet
Growing organic cotton ensures that no chemical insecticides, fertilizers or pesticides end up in the soil or adjacent rivers, lakes or seas. This also means that the water used for organic farming is not considered waste, as it can be reused multiple times without causing any harm The overall positive effect on water, animals, and biodiversity means that the well-being of cotton growers and their communities is respected and protected.
Organic cotton …is better for the people
Organic cotton avoids any kind of pesticide poisoning which can lead to multiple health problems and even death. According to the United Nations, 200,000 people worldwide die each year due to toxic pesticide exposure. Additionally, the waste from organic cotton production is recycled for the animal feed industry, making use of plant residues
The goal of LKTBF is to connect and expand the global volleyball family by leveraging the power of volleyball as a driver of social development for communities in need.
Growing organic cotton ensures that no chemical insecticides, fertilizers or pesticides end up in the soil or adjacent rivers, lakes or seas. This also means that the water used for organic farming is not considered waste, as it can be reused multiple times without causing any harm. “The overall positive impact on water, animals, and biodiversity means that the well-being of cotton growers and their communities is respected and protected.